News In The Canyon City
All views expressed here are my own. I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone, including Andrew and Azusa City News. Photo courtesy of Adrian...

Wapow: How Print Brings Community Together
Not too long ago, a headline made me swear out loud. That happens a lot these days, but this one made me want to cry. LA 18 KSCI...

In The Eye Of A Fake News Hurricane
This particular photo was pulled from the Washington Post. The hilarity and fake news was supplied by the Internet. In early 2015, way...

On The New York Times' Boba Article
The New York Times caused quite a stir on the Internet last week. It ran an article highlighting some boba shops in New York City with...

Playing Around With Fake News Games
A few personal updates: Work has been great and a lot of people in my life showed a lot of support, which was really humbling. But...

What's In My Bag? (Traveling Reporter Edition)
For the next 10 days or so I'm going to visit the Philippines. This is going to be the first time in five years and I'm excited to create...